Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

Deep tissue massage is a variation of Swedish massage that is principally offered to relieve the pain in the deeper layer of the muscle tissue. It is more applicable to those people who have suffered more stressful activities and who engage in rigorous workouts.

Deep tissue massage is used to treat a variety of physical ailments such as chronic pain and severe muscle tension. People who are recovering from surgery, the experts often recommend post surgical massage therapy to reduce scar tissues. Deep tissue massage can also be an effective treatment for an injured muscle since it helps to bring out the toxins from the muscles and helps tightens the muscle mass.

legs of a man massaged by the massager

Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve a deep muscle tension. Deep tissue massage is applied to both the superficial and deep layers of muscles and fascia. The treatment can be very intense and may be accompanied by some soreness and discomfort during and/or after the massage session.


Characteristics of Deep tissue massage

Relaxation *

Therapeutic *****

Intensity: Very Strong

Lubrication: Yes

Undressing: Yes

Tip: Depends on facility

How to interpret the rating scale

Deep Tissue Massage – Explained

A deep tissue massage is a technique that focuses on realignment of deep layers of muscle, connective tissue and tendons. It incorporates some of the strokes found in classic massage therapy, but concentrates on areas of tension and pain utilizing slower movements that apply deeper pressure.

What You Should Expect

In giving a deep tissue massage, the massage therapists may use fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and forearms to work on the affected areas. The therapist may require you to breathe deeply as certain tense areas are worked. The massage may cause some pain and discomfort and it is important that you make the therapist aware of when this happens. There is no need for you to suffer through soreness or pain that is outside of your comfort zone. A deep tissue massage may leave you with stiffness or pain, but this should wear off within a couple of days. The therapist may suggest that you apply ice to these areas.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Bands of painful rigid tissue called adhesions are usually found where there is chronic muscle tension or injury. These adhesions can block blood flow, leading to pain and limited movement. A deep tissue massage breaks down adhesions, relieving pain and restoring normal movement.

It is an effective treatment for injured muscles as it facilitates the removal of toxins from muscle tissue. It helps to stretch tight tissues and enhance recovery from muscle fatigue. The deep tissue massage is often used as a rehabilitative step in treating sport injuries.

A deep tissue massage is more affordable and effective at giving relief from chronic pain than most conventional medical remedies. It achieves this by increasing blood flow through the body, thereby helping to reduce inflammation that causes pain.

Persons who are recovering from surgery are urged to undergo deep tissue massage therapy as it can relieve pain and stiffness associated with scar tissue. Since the deep tissue massage improves lymphatic circulation and drainage, it leads to better flexibility and range of motion in areas where there is scar tissue inside the body. With repeated treatment, it can break up and ultimately erase scar tissue in the body.

The deep tissue massage may also improve high blood pressure by helping to ease stress and tension. It increases the body’s production of oxytocin and serotonin, hormones known to promote feelings of well-being. It is therefore useful to persons who suffer from tension headaches, stiff shoulders and tight muscles. Other conditions that may benefit from deep tissue massage therapy are osteoarthritis pain; fibromyalgia; tennis elbow; carpal tunnel syndrome; and sciatica.

While you may not be able to completely relax during the deep tissue massage session, you can rest assured that within days of the treatment you are most likely to be feeling a tremendous relief from whatever complaint caused you to seek one in the first place.